Tag: SEACE2023

SEACE2023 Cultural Event: Gardens by the Bay
We are proud to invite delegates to a unique cultural event taking place at the end of The Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2023), on Sunday, February 12, at the beautiful Gardens by the Bay. This spectacular park offers a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in the stunning natural beauty of one of the world’s …

IAFOR’s Pandemic: From Singapore to Singapore
Joseph Haldane of The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan, and Haruko Satoh of Osaka University, Japan, will present “IAFOR’s Pandemic: From Singapore to Singapore” at The 3rd Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2023). To participate in SEACE2023 as an audience member, please register for the conference. This plenary will also be available for IAFOR Members …

IAFOR Grant and Scholarship Recipients: The 3rd Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2023)
We are delighted to announce the recipients of IAFOR grants and scholarships for The 3rd Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2023) to be held in Singapore, February 2023. In total, we received 98 scholarship applications. Launched in 2016, IAFOR’s grants and scholarships programme provides financial support to PhD students and early career academics, with the …

Enhancing Resilience in Higher Education: The Philippine Experience
A panel from De La Salle University, Philippines, will present “Enhancing Resilience in Higher Education: The Philippine Experience” at The 3rd Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2023). To participate in SEACE2023 as an audience member, please register for the conference. This plenary will also be available for IAFOR Members to view online. To find out …

Challenges and Innovations in Learning: Post-pandemic Reflections
A panel from Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Philippines, will present “Challenges and Innovations in Learning: Post-pandemic Reflections” at The 3rd Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2023). To participate in SEACE2023 as an audience member, please register for the conference. This plenary will also be available for IAFOR Members to view online. To find out …