The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) is a research organisation, conference organiser and publisher dedicated to encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, facilitating intercultural awareness and promoting international exchange, principally through educational exchange and academic research.
Virtual presentations afford authors the opportunity to present their research to IAFOR’s far-reaching and international online audience, without time restrictions, distractions or the need to travel. Presenters are invited to create a video of their presentation, which is then uploaded to the official IAFOR Vimeo channel and remains online indefinitely. This is a valuable and impactful way of presenting in its own right, but also an alternative means for those delegates who may be unable to travel to the conference due to financial or political restrictions. The same publishing opportunities apply to virtual presenters, with final papers being included in the SEACE Conference Proceedings.
This video archive is best viewed on a desktop computer with a strong Internet connection.Virtual Poster Presentations
Cyberspace, Technology
66756 | Performance Assessment for Measure Technopreneurship Intention Among Fashion Students
Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
66755 | A Study on Students’ Attitudes Towards Text Crowding on Multilingual Educational Slides
Pre-Recorded Virtual Presentations
Assessment Theories & Methodologies
67897 | A Survey of Japanese Learners of English With Diverse Proficiencies: What Makes Summary Assessment Difficult?
Challenging & Preserving: Culture, Inter/Multiculturalism & Language
66397 | Developing a National Identity in Kindergarteners of Different Ethnic Backgrounds: Values and Practices of Parents in Hong Kong
66880 | Language Learning as an Investment in Home Settings to Reproduce the Heritage Habitat for Immigrant Children
Curriculum Design & Development
65863 | Cross-national Comparison of Mathematical Literacy on Functional Units in Taiwan, Finland, Germany and the United States
66765 | Integration of Contents of Local Wisdom in Curriculum for Cosmetology Vocational Schools: An Analysis
Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
67544 | The Identity of People With Disabilities: Advancing Through a Study on Self-Determination and Self-Knowledge
66664 | Teachers’ Sentiments, Attitudes, and Concerns About Inclusive Practice in Higher Education
66663 | Academic Motivation and Academic Self-concept of Students with Special Education Needs in Higher Education
67604 | Culturally Responsive Professional Development: Cultivating Early Childhood Teachers’ Multicultural Teaching Competence
Education, Sustainability & Society: Social Justice, Development & Political Movements
65271 | Resilience in Crisis: Transformation of Higher Education in Post-Coup Myanmar
66754 | The Influence of Communication Skills on the Work Readiness of Vocational School Students in Building Engineering Expertise
Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
66757 | The Effect of Spatial Intelligence and Learning Management on the Learning Outcomes of Mechanical Engineering Students in the Mechanical Drawing
67578 | Comparative Policy Design Analysis: An Integrated Approach for Unpacking the Education Policies of Finland, Singapore, and Australia
Educational Research, Development & Publishing
66758 | Student Satisfaction With the Internship Experience in the Graphic Design Industry
Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics
66348 | From Self-regulated Learning to Computer-Delivered Integrated Speaking Testing: Does Monitoring Always Monitor?
66470 | Animated Songs in English to Develop Effective Listening Skills Among Adult ESL / EFL Learners
66746 | Picture Book Categorization Charts: Introducing South East Asian Themes to Young Learners
67442 | Examination of Peace Values in Japanese EFL Textbooks for Peace Education: From the Perspectives of the Language of Peace Approach and Systemic Functional Linguistics
67582 | A Comparative Analysis of the Self-Perceived and Actual Grammatical Competence in English of Filipino Grade 12 Students in Metro Manila
67694 | Learners’ Perceptions of Difficulties in Orally Producing English Sentences
67837 | Role of Study Abroad in the Path to Teaching English in English Among Japanese Teachers
Higher Education
66780 | Improved Adjunct Compensation Leveraging The Continuous Improvement Cycle
66940 | Factors Preventing Hiring of Highly Educated Female New Graduates in Japanese Corporations
67714 | Significant Effectiveness of Transformative Teaching and Learning for Five (5) Years in UNIMAS, Malaysia: A Meta-Analysis Study
Language Development & Literacy
66741 | Multimodal Communication in the Literacy Classroom
Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
66723 | Developing Conceptual Understanding of Subject-Verb Agreement in Primary One Students Through Assessment-guided Differentiated Instruction
66899 | Augmented Reality and Metaverse in Aesthetic Education Discourse in Indonesia for Future
67419 | University Students’ Motivations and Attitudes Towards Online Learning in the Post-pandemic Era: A Comparative Study
67886 | Webinar Integration Within the Flipped Classroom Instructional Strategies From Learners’ Perspectives
66712 | A Conceptual Framework to Elicit Student Engagement via Development of Extended Reality (XR) Applications Using Project-based Experiential Learning
Mind, Brain & Psychology
66424 | Grit and Hope as Sequential Mediators in the Association Between Mindfulness and Flourishing
Nurturing Creativity & Innovation: New, Innovative & Radical Education
67395 | Development and Evaluation of Frankards: A Manipulative for Teaching Probability
Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
56340 | Digital Applications as a Tool for Learning Foreign Languages in Challenging Life Circumstances
65694 | Effects of Reflection-Oriented Inquiry Instruction on Grade 9 Students’ Understanding on the Nature of Science
66023 | Giang Hoanga Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach in Understanding the Life and Works of Dr Jose Rizal: An Advocate of Internationalization
66728 | Physical 3D Model Teaching and Learning Kits for CMOS Integrated Circuits Physical Implementation Lesson
66740 | Common Pronunciation Mistakes in English for Students From South-east Asia Influenced by Their First Foreign Language
67060 | L1 Use in the L2 Classroom: A University Instructor’s Perceptions of His Language Choices
67319 | A Comparative Analysis of Flexible Learning and Performance in Computer Programming Course
67763 | Surviving Calculus During Remote Learning: Affordances and Constraints of a Fully Modular Calculus Class