Invisible Threats in Education: Addressing Hidden School Violence

Session Information:

Friday, February 16, 2024 10:35-11:25
Session: Plenary Session
Room: Sawankalok Hall (2F)
Presentation Type: Keynote Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 8 (Asia/Kuala_Lumpur)

School violence, a persistent global challenge, is especially critical in Southeast Asian contexts where it often manifests in forms that go unnoticed or unaddressed. This presentation explores the multifaceted nature of this issue, highlighting the blind spots in our understanding and response to school violence. Beyond overt physical aggression, subtler yet equally destructive forms persist: mental violence, including bullying and psychological abuse; sexual violence, often shrouded in silence; and cultural and structural violence, deeply embedded in the fabric of educational institutions. Additionally, symbolic violence, expressed through language and imagery, perpetuates harm in these environments.

These forms of violence, frequently overlooked due to their less visible nature, lead to a culture of silence and acceptance. The presentation explores the reasons behind the persistence of such violence, including social norms, inadequate policy frameworks, and a lack of awareness among educators and students.

A critical component of the discussion is the role of bystanders. Empowering bystanders in Southeast Asian schools to recognize and safely intervene in situations of hidden violence is crucial. By transforming bystanders into active upstanders, we can create a more supportive and vigilant school environment. The presentation advocates for comprehensive educational reforms and awareness programs, aiming to disrupt the cycle of violence and foster a safer, more inclusive educational landscape.

Speaker Biography

Adisorn Juntrasook
Thammasat University, Thailand

Adisorn Juntrasook, Thammasat University, Thailand
Adisorn Juntrasook, PhD, currently serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Learning Sciences and Education at Thammasat University, where he is dedicated to fostering innovative learning, social justice, and inclusivity. In his prior role as Vice President for Student Affairs at the same university, he played a key role in implementing policies to protect students' rights and actively promoted social justice in education.

As a researcher, Juntrasook's work encompasses a wide range of fields, including transformative learning, inclusive education, leadership in higher education, and LGBTQI rights and well-being. His research is characterised by a commitment to challenging the conventional beliefs that often shape educational systems and policies. Through his work, he strives to raise awareness and catalyse transformative change towards more inclusive practices, thus creating a more just and equitable learning environment.

One of his ongoing initiatives involves a project focused on bystander involvement in preventing school violence and creating safer educational spaces. This project, along with his publications, underscores Juntrasook's commitment to bridging theoretical knowledge with practical implementation, advancing education, and advocating for social change within Thai society.

About the Presenter(s)
Adisorn Juntrasook, PhD, currently serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Learning Sciences and Education at Thammasat University, where he is dedicated to fostering innovative learning, social justice, and inclusivity.

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